Example from New York City, USA



Nickelodeon created a 10-location Adventure Lab around the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ home of New York City. The Adventure Lab was launched during NYC Comic-Con where event attendees were invited to participate.

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Across Midtown Manhattan, participants visited the Empire State Building, Times Square, The High Line, Grand Central Station, Madison Square Garden, the New York Public Library, and other iconic locations that the turtles visit in the TV series.

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Each participant arrived at the given set of coordinates, solved a riddle, and found a clue or answer to a question to unlock the hidden location and storyline. Each step of the way, NYC’s hidden gems were revealed for participants that tapped into their mystic ninja powers and embarked on the Adventure.

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Use the native QR code scanner on your mobile device to open this Adventure: newer phones can do this by simply pointing the camera at the QR code. Or click the button provided from your mobile device.