Example from New York, USA

University Campus

“Adventure labs are a perfect way to melt mapping and sustainability together.”

— Donna Selch, Stony Brook University Professor

Stony Brook University

SBU’s Bike Share program

SBU’s Bike Share program


Stony Brook University (SBU) hosts many sustainable sites on campus that incoming freshmen learned about through the Sustainable Sites at Stony Brook University Adventure lab. The local community was also invited to visit the SBU campus and learn about their sustainability efforts.

SBU’s student-run greenhouse

SBU’s student-run greenhouse


5 different sites were selected, including a LEED-certified campus building, hydroponic center, and bike share station. Each of these efforts is student-led and run. The campus tour guides now incorporate these sustainable sites into their campus tours!

Reusable SBU mugs

Reusable SBU mugs


Each site required participants to visit the 5 sustainable sites on campus and learn something about that site. They are prompted with a question to answer as a fun way of clue finding in a real world scavenger hunt.

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