Example from Washington, United States

Regional Park

Lake Sammamish State Park

This Adventure is a collaboration between the Friends of Lake Sammamish State Park and the Washington State Geocaching Association. Using an Adventure, they were able to provide the following enticements to visitors without needing any staff on-site. They launched in the autumn and enjoyed increased visitation during the fall and winter seasons while staying compliant with the state’s guidance on maximum numbers of people gathering.

Offer a reward

The first 50 people who finish this Adventure receive a sweet treat at the local ice cream shop. Finishers simply mention the Lake Sammamish Adventure to the staff.


Indigenous context

Participants are exposed to aboriginal or indigenous names and uses for familiar native plants, deepening the visitors’ knowledge of the entire region.


Safety first

Adults and children get practical, just-in-time education that this park has a free life jacket loaner program so that all kids who come to enjoy the water can be safe.

Sammamish QRcode.png

Use the native QR code scanner on your mobile device to open this Adventure: newer phones can do this by simply pointing the camera at the QR code. Or click the button provided from your mobile device.